Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So finals are in full swing and I've been busy, busy. I'm trying to figure out something to do in the summer for ceramics. I already scored a kickass job bagging bread for 9 dollars an hour haha. I'm very excited to get out of retial and make decent moeny for a summer job. I'm looking to buy a wheel and a kiln from craigslist this summer and get some pottery business going. I've been selling stuff which is good. I unloaded a kiln sunday and I am firing again this weekend. I went crazy production mode and made a lot of stuff for a sale coming up, but i've been seeling it before the sale haha. It's nice spare cash, ya know, a little spending money and reward for all of the hard work i've put in this semester. i sold a cup order to my girlfriends relative. I didn't have much of a selection in the time she needed. She ended up happy with the cups but wants bigger ones. So I think I'm going to sell her bigger ones for cheaper to make up for it. She still wants the first order and I got a second order out of the deal, thats cool. I also just got an order for two cups and two bowls. That's awesome too.

So hopefully I can get some cash rollin in from these orders and from this sale coming up. I may have high hopes, but I'm hoping to make like a couple hundred bucks. I used a shitty glaze in my last firing so I lost like nearly 10 cups to pinholing. I'm gunna refire them adn sell them for $5 bucks instead of my usual $10 flat rate haha.

I want to raise money for the kiln and wheel... Taking donations hahaha. I don't think anyone has actually even read this, but it's for my record.

I'm going to pitch an idea for a split show with chuck and ben to the students for the bates gallery. I hope I can get a better spot for next semester.

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